Monday, October 08, 2007

OK Computer, Gimmie Free Radiohead

I think it's great that Radiohead will offer their next album (In Rainbows) to their fans for whatever price they want, yes that includes $0. The new album drops October 10th, and can be "purchased" on the bands' website. I really hope that when it asks to pay whatever you think it's worth, that people leave a reasonable donation. It's good that they are independent from any label and can do this, and if this makes them a bunch of money or not, it begs the question, are there really any true benefits of being with a label? If you think about the money they take from you for advertising, radio DJ bribing, printing, administrative costs, studio usage costs, packaging and artwork, touring costs. Most bands have to pay these recoupable expenses before they can earn their 10-15% royalty. Anyway, it seems that Radiohead is very fan friendly.

P.S. OK Computer, as of 10/8/07 is still their best album!


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