Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I was reading something the other day and I got the sense that the writer felt the need to be profound and that feeling along with the wording made all that was written seem insincere or fake to me, kinda sad actually. Anyway this is my first post, after a failed attempt to start a blog a year ago I really felt like writing again etc. I always wondered how personal people get on these things, I've read those that are like personal diaries/journals and then when it's someone you know and you talk to them about a post they're like "how'd ya know that?" well it's out there for all to read. I'm sure there will be "sharing times". I have not been able to take Coldplay's X&Y out of my cd player since it came out over a week ago, songs 4, 11,13 are my current favs.

We grow up in order to give out. It is not enough to keep learning more and more. We must act on what we know and practice what we claim to believe.


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